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A feminist community based health service run by women for women. We welcome women of all ages and cultures, and believe every woman has the right to make her own informed decisions about her health and her life. We operate from a feminist holistic philosophy and take a social view of health. Our services are free or low cost. You can drop-in or make an ap.
This is the website of Ten Forty Matrix. A vigorous loose-limbed organisation of lesbians over forty who relish discussion and debate about the issues we face in work, life, at home, in the arts and politics. The site originally catered for women in the Sydney area, but over the years, olderdykes. org has grown beyond its original borders to embrace women from all over Australia and internationally. Commentary, the opportunity to communicate with others and many links.
Spinifex Press is an award-winning independent feminist press, publishing innovative and controversial feminist books with an optimistic edge. AND become a fan on Facebook. The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. This week as we proudly launch. Dee Dicen Hunt, KASAMA. 2000 Co-winner, Steele Rudd Award.
Our vision is to ensure that all women and children are able to live free from all forms of violence and abuse. National Remembrance Quilt Project - Not one more. Remembering the women and children killed in domestic violence. Senator Thorpe supports a Tasmanian Domestic Violence Death Review Process. Quilt in Canberra last year.
As of June 2014 Feminist Agenda PDX is on indefinite hiatus. Due to personal reasons we are no longer able to maintain the organization.
La Marcha de las Putas, 12 de junio, 2 pm. La iniciativa comenzó gracias a Minerva Valenzuela, y ha sido apoyada por muchísimos grupos en todo el país. No es sólo para mujeres, la idea es que todos los que estemos de acuerdo con los puntos e ideas detrás de esta marcha, lo hagamos juntos. Visiten el micrositio de Animal Político.
Onsdag, mars 26, 2008. Argumenterar Sara Eklöv med samlingspartiets Kimmo Sasi, i Åbo görs en feministisk protest. Länkar till det här inlägget. Söndag, mars 23, 2008. Gör din röst hörd för iranska systrar. Om du inte sett filmen om en iransk flickas uppväxt - Persepolis. Då ska du se den! Irania.
Louise Bourgeoise, the spider, the mistress and the tangerine. Pelikula hau ikusi ahal izango dugu. Honekin emango diogu hasiera aurtengo Feministaldiari.
Milesker beste urte batez Feministaldiara gerturatu zareten guztioi. Aurtengo edizioa berezia izan da guretzat, kontziente baikinen bereziki erosoak ez ziren hainbat gai jorratu nahi genituela. Baina aurten ere, aretoak betetzea lortu duzue, eztabaidak sortzea, gustura entzutea, barre egitea eta zertxobait bada ere, fobia horiei guztiei aurre egitea.